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Welcome to Wild (Rizhao) Garden Machinery Co., Ltd.!

HOTLINE+86 (0)633 3601019

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Wild (Rizhao) Garden Machinery Co., Ltd.



No.1 Wild Road - Rizhao Economic Development Area - Rizhao, Shandong, China

Spare parts, blades grinding

Motorized equipment requires regular scheduled maintenance. Good cleaning and regular lubrication is of major importance, and contact your local dealer for a maintenance overhaul.  
Spare parts: We provide all spare parts which are needed. For spare parts you can contact you local dealer. For optimum performance of your machine it is important to replace wearing parts, like blades and belt, in time.
Blades grinding service: As you need sharp your wood chipper blades for optimum chipping, we can provide you the service to grind your blades against attractive fees. When you are not fimiliar with the process of grinding wood chipper blades or could not find a suitable grinding workshop in your local area, we can help you to contiue your job. Contact us and ask for our quotations and conditions.
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