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Welcome to Wild (Rizhao) Garden Machinery Co., Ltd.!

HOTLINE+86 (0)633 3601019

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Wild (Rizhao) Garden Machinery Co., Ltd.



No.1 Wild Road - Rizhao Economic Development Area - Rizhao, Shandong, China

Invitation: The 20th Hortiflorexpo IPM Beijing

No. 1 Horticultural Trade Expo in China Leading Platform for Floriculture & Horticulture in Asia!
Hortiflorexpo has been the largest and most authoritative international trade show in the industry of floriculture, horticulture and gardening in China. It is a great event held every year in Beijing and Shanghai in turn.

The TOPIC of the Hortiflorexpo: Rising Economy, Your Opportunity

WILD (RIZHAO) GARDEN MACHINERY CO., LTD. will attend the fair together with Holland Pavilion, we sincerely welcome your visiting.

Booth No.: W1A39
Website: http://en.hortiflorexpo.com

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